Labelling your assets is probably one of the most important things you need to be doing to all your company’s assets. By creating an asset management system you can reap numerous benefits, such as adding security to your company’s assets, tracking the whereabouts of your assets, simplifying your company’s inventory management system, monitoring your assets maintenance, and calculating depreciation plus much more.
Using Asset labels to provide quick asset identification.
When you are running a business you don’t want you or your employees wasting their time trying to track the company’s assets. As every second an employee has used searching for an asset is a loss of productivity. If you are managing hundreds of people, then the time that they are spending searching adds up equating to a significant loss in company productivity over a short period. By implementing an asset management system you can locate the needed asset in seconds.
Using Asset labels to facilitate Inventory management
For every business inventory management and stock control is one of the most time consuming activities, often performed on a monthly basis. However, using a manual inventory system increases room of human error. Using asset labels you will be able to ensure that your inventory control database is accurate so you will not end up with stock surplus or deficiencies.
Using Asset labels to Deter Theft
One of the biggest benefits of asset labelling is to deter theft of your assets. If your company owns expensive, movable assets, for example, laptops, monitors, TV’s. Thieves will be less inclined to steal these if they are clearly asset labelled as they are more likely to get caught.
Here at label source we offer a variety of asset tags designed specifically to provide evidence of tampering. Click here to view our range of tamper evident asset tags.
Calculate Asset Depreciation
Every year companies have to file their tax returns; all companies have to calculate the depreciation rate of all their assets. Labelling your assets can help calculate the life of your assets and help you gather all the necessary data to make your calculations.
Your company may have already adopted many of the uses of asset tags, but it is always interesting to find different ways in which you can use asset tagging for your business. If you haven’t already developed an asset tagging system - Investing in asset labels can benefit your company in many different ways for years to come.
At Label Source we are proud to offer a comprehensive range of asset labels. If you require a bespoke asset label solution, simply use our asset tag builder. If, in the unlikely event you cannot find the tag that you are looking for then don’t hesitate to contact a member of our customer service team either by emailing info@labelsource.co.uk or calling us on 0800 3761 693