This year the European Commission have been getting into the festive spirit and have been counting down to Christmas with their unique take on the traditional advent calendar. In the countdown to Christmas the European commission is publishing a fact a day on how the EU works. Facts include details on mobile roaming data charges, online Christmas shopping, myth busting facts and health and safety advice surrounding the Christmas period.
Even though this is an innovative and fun way of raising awareness of what the European commission is all about and the rules and regulations that they have in place. A C of E Vicar accused the European Union of taking “Christ out of our Christmas”. The Express went as far as to say that it was “arguably the most dull countdown to festivities ever made”.
The calendar reminds its readers that when purchasing toys from the EU, consumers should look for a CE Label on the product showing that the product complies with European safety, health, environmental requirements and serves as an indicator that the presents that you are giving to your loved ones this Christmas are safe and fit for purpose. It also provides information about the EU Food labelling rules, which provide consumers with clearer, more comprehensive information about the food that they purchase. However, it has beenclassed as “disgusting” by an MEP because “Brussels officials had hijacked Christmas to promote the EU”.
Here at Label Source, we believe that there is nothing wrong with using Christmas as an opportunity to educate people about how to stay safe over the festive period, in fact, we have been guilty of it ourselves when we posted the blog post entitled “Stay Safe This Christmas”. Posting a fact a day is a great way of ensuring that safety remains at the forefront of the readers minds, whilst also educating them of regulations that they may not be aware off and debunking “euronmyths” such like, the EU has banned mince pies and that gender equality regulations do not require store to sell “Mother Christmas” Outfits.
The fact of the matter is, when you are celebrating accidents can, and do occur and it is important that people are reminded of the potential risks that can arise over the festive period. Health and safety is not about taking the fun out of celebrating, it’s about helping you to keep yourself and loved ones safe whilst you celebrate.
Click here to read through the European Commission’s 2015 Advent Calendar.
We at Label Source would like to wish all our customers a Safe and Happy Christmas and we will see you all in the New Year.