Printing custom signs is usually a simple, frustration-free process. Order them, print them, and the client is, usually, happy with them.
There are stringent proofing procedures in place, plus the increasing inclusion of technology reduces the margin of human error.
However, that margin, however small, still causes errors, some of which leads to misspelt public signs.
Below we list some of the most egregious examples of misspelt signs, billboard and labels while detailing the best practice of custom sign printing.
Some of The Funniest Spelling Mistakes on Signs
A few things can go wrong when printing signs, especially bespoke road signs. However, some errors are hard to forget. Much like an ill-conceived tattoo, it takes a while for people to forget the most embarrassing of textual errors.

(Source: Englisbabus)
The above has a catalogue of errors, but the lack of space between “with” and “in” and, more noticeably, the misspelt “enforced” shows that this sign hasn’t been proofed by the council contractor.
Of course, human error can be forgiven, but the negligence from a lack of proofing cannot.

(Source: BBC)
Orientation is essential when printing custom signs. You need to ensure machinery is printing graphics and words in a logical order, but sometimes, things can go wrong.
Even the most switched-on of onlookers would find this sign confusing. Where is the way out? Below? Straight ahead? Nowhere at all?
It’s an example that even if a sign looks okay, it needs to work within its specific context.
The above sign may be a purposeful nihilistic commentary on the futility of modern life, though, but it probably isn’t.

(Source: BBC)
Not sure where to start with this one. There are spelling errors, then there is this. Either the company printing this decided to collectively take a shot of vodka as soon as they hit “September” or this sign was rushed out under pressure.
This sign caused such an uproar that Oxfordshire County Council needed to publicly apologise.

(Source: BlazePress)
Either this is a pointed criticism of said company’s executive board or someone, somewhere has messed up with the world’s biggest Freudian slip.
The fact that the sign wasn’t proofed internally is a shock, but in addition to that, somebody saw the sign, thought “okay!” and mounted it on a door. Wild.
How to Prevent Spelling Mistakes on Signs, Labels and Billboards
By and large, most signs do their job well. The fact that misspelt signs make headlines and go viral so quickly is because the vast majority are fine.
This is thanks to the custom sign printing process. For example, custom road sign printing leaves space to fix errors:
- A sign is cut using whatever material is most suitable. Road signs, for example, use aluminium. Required holes are then drilled, followed by a rounding of the corners.
- Blanks are checked for any defects or contamination. This makes sure the background adheres properly. Grease is then removed, so the surface looks clean.
- Background sheets are cut my hand. Following that, letters and symbols are checked, then punched on the sheeting. This is where the majority of mistakes are made, so a process of checking and proofing the letters is essential.
- Air bubbles are then removed, then the sign is heated to finish it off.
All in all, there is enough steps pre, during and post-printing to locate mistakes and fix them.
Buy Custom Signs From Label Source
For reliable, mistake-free signs, browse our range of custom signs. Our range custom tags are available in a wide variety of different size and colours, with customisable options such as serial numbers, text and barcodes.