If your business premises include a car park, it’s important to ensure you comply with private parking signage rules. This has many practical benefits beyond keeping you on the right side of legislation; the correct car park signs can help improve safety on your premises, direct vehicles, and prevent trespassing or misuse.
Here, we’ve rounded up some guidelines around private parking, and the main types of signs you may need.
Private Parking Signage Rules
The importance of correctly following private parking signage rules is twofold. On one hand, you’ll be ticking all the compliance boxes, while on the other you’re also future-proof your business against disputes. Parking signage best practice includes:
Parking accreditations – In order to legally enforce any parking fines in the UK, you must be a member of an officially accredited association, like the International Parking Community (IPC) or the British Parking Association (BPA).
By becoming a member, you’ll gain access to DVLA’s wealth of data, which enables you to access the details of offenders, while also safeguarding your business against legal issues.
T&Cs – Another legal consideration is the terms and conditions of your private parking. As a rule of thumb, for them to be legally binding, they need to be both easy to understand (no ambiguity or complex jargon) and reasonable. Failure to meet these requirements might mean trouble enforcing penalties.
Positioning – The placement, visibility and clarity of your parking signage are also of great importance. Make sure you have signs right at the entrance of your private parking area to alert drivers of the rules, as well as in key locations that might otherwise be misused (such as loading bays or disabled parking). Check that all text is clearly legible from a car, and any restrictions or fines are specifically stated.
Private Parking Signage Suggestions
With the above private parking signage rules in mind, have a think about the uses of your property, and make sure you have signs covering all important aspects. Some signs you might want to consider include:
First up, if only authorised personnel are allowed on the premises, you need to clearly state that right at the entrance. By informing drivers upfront that the area is closed to the general public, you discourage trespassers and alert any outsiders who do park there that they will be penalised.
Safety and Directional Signage
You also want to make sure that traffic flow is clearly and safely directed from the offset. Signs enforcing a speed limit or one-way traffic, as well as pedestrian crossing markers and exit signs will go a long way to helping drivers navigate the premises.
Reserved Parking Signs
Whether it’s parking spots for your whole team (‘Employee Parking Only’) or more niche breakdowns (‘Reserved for Management’ or ‘GP Parking’), if you want to designate species for particular groups, it’s helpful to clearly mark that. It will save frustration for everyone involved, especially in areas with limited bays.
Another key aspect to consider is disabled parking. Under UK private parking signage rules, commercial premises should all have parking spots set aside for visitors with disabilities, and these should be clearly signposted to ensure the accessible facilities are kept free for those who need them.
Customer Parking Only Signs
If your parking is open to the public, but you want to keep it clear for business customers, make sure you have a ‘Customer Parking Only’ sign. This will direct well-meaning drivers away from the premises while giving you grounds to fine those who don’t comply (just make sure the penalty is also clearly stated).
Car parks located in particularly busy areas where parking is otherwise sparse – like high streets or shopping malls – can also benefit from setting particular time limits with a designated sign (e.g. ‘Three Hours Maximum – Customer Parking Only’).
CCTV and Surveillance Warning Signs
Last, but not least, if CCTV or other surveillance technology is used on your premises, you’re legally obliged to inform visitors of this. ‘CCTV in Operation’ signs serve both to protect the privacy of anyone using the car park, and to deter any criminals from vandalism or theft.
Private Parking Signage from Label Source
Following the private parking signage rules improves safety, accessibility, and traffic flow on your premises, as well as enabling you to enforce any restrictions on use of parking bays.
Make sure your space is both compliant and functional with the right retail signs - a more streamlined car park will benefit not only your business but also your team and your customers.
For any questions about our office, retail, and housekeeping signs range, get in touch.