Use seat belt symbol sign. Part of our mandatory safety sign range, to retain people in seats in vehicle transport after a crash. Applications include passenger vehicles (coaches, minibuses, trains), road vehicles (cars, motorhomes, commercial vehicles), mobility vehicles (wheelchairs, sports buggies) and others (hot air balloons, agricultural, industrial and military).
General mandatory safety signs. Use seat belt symbol. General mandatory safety sign, comply with ISO EN 7010 and Safety signs and signals regulations 1996.
MS2700 Size 100mm x 100mm. Material self adhesive vinyl. MS2701 Size 100mm x 100mm. Material rigid plastic.
100mm x 100mm
Material: Self adhesive vinyl Colour: Blue print on white
Quantity: 5 - 10
(£3.96 inc VAT)
Quantity: 11 - 24
(£3.78 inc VAT)
Quantity: 25 - 49
(£3.66 inc VAT)
Quantity: 50 - 99
(£3.60 inc VAT)
Quantity: 100+
(£3.54 inc VAT)
100mm x 100mm
Material: Rigid plastic Colour: Blue print on white
Quantity: 5 - 10
(£6.78 inc VAT)
Quantity: 11 - 24
(£6.48 inc VAT)
Quantity: 25 - 49
(£6.30 inc VAT)
Quantity: 50 - 99
(£6.12 inc VAT)
Quantity: 100+
(£5.94 inc VAT)
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