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Radiation Hazard Warning Safety Signs

Every precaution should be taken when working with radiation to keep you and your workers safe. Our radiation caution and warning radiation signs will work to keep your working environment as safe as possible. The range includes:

  • Nuclear Hazard Symbols
  • Radiation Caution Signs
  • Warning Radiation Signs
  • Ionizing Radiation Hazard Symbols

Shop the range below. If you have any questions about Label Source's radiation hazard warning safety signs or need a quotation for bespoke material labels, please contact us here.

What Does a Radiation Symbol Mean?

This symbol is often used on signs, stickers, and labels as a warning that there could be radioactivity danger.

This symbol is used to encourage people to take the necessary safety measures or to stay away.


What Does a Radiation Symbol Look Like?

The international radiation symbol is a trefoil centred around a small circle.

This represents the atom and the radiation it gives off.

A radioactive symbol is usually black on a yellow background.




What Are Radiation Symbol Signs Used For?

Radiation signs can be used to identify risk of radiation generated by electromagnetic radiation, infrared, microwave, radio waves, thermal radiation, or black box radiation.

These radiation caution signs are used in medical applications for X-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, and radioactive substances.

In communications, non-ionizing radiation is generated by cordless telephones, mobile phones, wireless local area networks (WLANS), and Wi-Fi.

Other common applications can be:

  • Scientific uses in research and development laboratories, or test departments
  • Nuclear power generation
  • Defence
  • UV tanning beds or sunbeds
  • Security in body scanners at airports

All the signs comply with ISO EN 7010 and Safety Signs and Signals Regulations 1996 and identify the dangers of radiation.

Also, we have signs complying with Radiation Hazard Public Warning (ISO 21482) for the long-term radioactive waste depositories, and intensive radioactive generators such as food irradiators, industrial radiotherapy units and teletherapy machines for cancer treatment.

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