Plastic Engraved Door Signs and Plaques FAQs:
What are Engraved Plastic Signs?
Our engraved door plaques are suitable for all kinds of different layout structures and viewing distances, and they can be used to identify a wide variety of different areas, including:
- Reception areas
- Kitchens/canteens
- Restrooms/WCs
- Signs for offices and conference rooms
- Restricted zones
What King of Engraved Signs are Available?
This collection of plastic laminate signs also includes several safety and prohibition notices, such as 'Mind your head' and 'No smoking’. We even have several engraved signs for doors, allowing you to clarify door direction (in/out, push/pull) or instruct visitors to use a different entrance.
These information signs are lightweight while also being durable in hot and cold weather, making them great for outdoor as well as indoor use. When purchasing your plastic signs, be sure to also purchase a way to mount them wherever you intend to do so.
Are Engraved Signs Customisable?
Our engraved office signs are highly customisable, with multiple sizes and colour combinations available. This means that you can match your plastic laminate signs to your corporate branding.
If you are having trouble finding the right engraved plastic ign to suit your office building requirements, please don't hesitate to call us on 0800 3761 693 (UK only) or 0044 1443 842769 (International).