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Recycling Signs

This range of recycling bin signage can be used to promote recycling and encourage environmentally friendly waste management in a wide variety of settings. They should be placed near bins and recycling points to ensure that all materials are disposed of in the most environmentally friendly way possible.

Label Source's waste management signs can be used in workplaces, shopping centres, schools, and any other public place where recycling may be necessary. All signs feature the instantly recognisable mobius loop recycling symbol, usually along with specific instructions for correct waste disposal.

Recycling Signage FAQs

Why Use Recycling Signs?

Recycling signs are useful for locating where to dispose of particular materials and simply encouraging best practices in waste disposal. 

A recycling sign can be used to explain your company’s policies around recycling, as well as direct people to the correct recycling points.

Where Should I Place A Recycling Bin Sign?

Recycling signs can be placed around the workplace and near recycling points to remind staff and visitors what waste should be disposed of and where. Material-specific recycling points should have signs placed directly on or next to them so as to make the process as simple as possible.

Our recycling symbol signs are used in many different environments, including offices, hospitals, construction sites, warehouses, parks, colleges, and more. The signs can form part of a waste recycling programme to minimise the use of resources, process waste, and to prevent products going directly into landfill.

They can be used to label:

•    Waste bins
•    Wheelie bins
•    Bottle banks
•    Trash cans
•    Needlestick disposal boxes
•    And more.

How Should I Use Recycling Signs?

Label Source's recycling signs are designed to cover a broad range of recyclable materials. Specific signs are available for each of the following:

•    Glass
•    Paper/card
•    Plastics
•    Metals
•    Aluminium cans
•    Newspaper
•    Clinical waste
•    Engine oil

We also offer non-specific signs for general recycling points and general (non-hazardous) waste as well as waste segregation signage.

For further information about Label Source's range of waste management signs, please call 0800 3761 693 or email sales@labelsource.co.uk.

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