We have a colossal variety of products available here at Label Source, and we cater to more or less any industry you'd care to name. Our safety signs and warning labels can be found almost everywhere, from the construction site to the office and from the laboratory to the shopping centre.
Here's a small sample of the diverse range of needs we can provide for:
In the Cinema
Next time you go to the pictures, count how many different signs you see. Most cinemas have no smoking signs, clearly-marked emergency exits, a couple of fire extinguishers...and we provide labels/signage for all of these purposes and more.

In the Restroom
Most of the products in our Hazard Warning Signs section are for specialist areas such as construction sites and scientific labs (unless you work with big magnets, you're unlikely to see many 'strong magnetic field' notices in your everyday life). However, you've almost certainly seen this one before:

Public establishments like restaurants and bars tend to warn their patrons if the water in their taps is especially hot. And then there's this one:

We've seen the 'not drinking water' sign on trains, in cafés, and even in public parks (where, for example, there could be a fountain or water feature for the public's enjoyment).
In the Workplace
The Health and Safety Executive recommends that even small offices should have a basic first aid kit on hand. For this reason, there's a good chance you'll have seen this sign somewhere in your place of work:

And if your employers are as organised as they ought to be, there's probably something like this on the wall, too:

Those signs are designed to tell everyone what to do in the event of a fire. All the crucial fire safety information is there, along with gaps in which you can write your fire escape route, your assembly point, and the name of the person in charge.
As you can see, our signs and notices can be found almost everywhere! If you need to order any of Label Source's products for yourself, you can do so right here on our website. Get in touch if you need any assistance.