You've probably seen the recent news reports about Samsung phones unexpectedly catching fire. The Korean tech giant was forced to recall millions of Galaxy Note 7 smartphones worldwide when it became apparent that the devices were unsafe, and the company's profits have reportedly dipped by 30% as a result.
So what's next for Samsung? How are they planning to recover from this huge hit to both their bottom line and their public image as a cutting-edge, industry-leading electronics brand? Well, earlier this week, we got a clue in the form of the following report from Reuters:
"Samsung...said it would make significant changes to its quality assurance processes in the wake of the withdrawal of its Galaxy Note 7 devices over safety concerns."
Of course, quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) are both crucial considerations for any business that manufactures and distributes products. Whether you're making complex electronic devices like smartphones or something far simpler, it is very much in your company's best interest to implement a robust quality assurance system and ensure that it is followed throughout every stage of the production process.
Planning and implementing a comprehensive QA system may seem like a waste of time, particularly if you've never had any significant complaints about the quality of your products to date. However, the Galaxy Note 7 fiasco demonstrates that it's never too early to take a hard look at your approach to quality control; Samsung's bosses will now have to go back to the drawing board and carry out a complete review of their quality assurance processes, but if this evaluation had been undertaken sooner, the company could have saved themselves a global recall and a lot of bad press (not to mention that 30% loss we mentioned earlier).
The best QA process is one that's uniquely tailored to the business in question. We at Label Source can't tell you how to guarantee yourself against catastrophes like the Samsung phone fire fiasco, but we do supply a wide range of quality assurance and quality control products that can help you to ensure that no defective item escapes your notice: