Nobody likes the idea of their personal belongings being accessible to burglars. Fortunately, there are several preventative measures you can take to protect break-ins. From CCTV to some cleverly-timed lighting, you can make sure your home is as safe as possible for you, your family, and your valuables, whether you’re home or staying away.
Read on to find out how to prevent break ins at home.
Protecting Your Home from Break Ins
Locks to Prevent Break Ins
The best place to start is with a good lock. Most people will already have a decent lock on their front (and back) door, but you could add an extra bolt or chain lock if you’re particularly concerned about break-ins in your area. You should also lock your windows, as these are an easy point of entry that many people forget about.
If you’ve recently moved into a new property, one of the first things you should do is replace your locks as you never know who the previous tenant gave key copies to. If you’ve got a mortgage on your house and/or own the property, this is completely within your jurisdiction. If you’re renting, however, this is something you should discuss with your landlord.
CCTV for Your Home
Security cameras and alarm systems are a great deterrent for break-ins. Cameras in particular make burglars less likely to target your property as they can visibly see the risk of being caught.
If you do install CCTV around your home, you could also put up CCTV signage to make sure any potential thieves are aware their break in attempt would be caught on camera.
Putting Lights on Timers
There are two different methods of timed lighting that are effective when it comes to deterring break-ins. The first is with your indoor lighting. If you’re going away for a while and are concerned about break-ins while nobody’s home, consider putting lights in front-facing rooms that you can put on a timer. Having your lights turn on and off throughout the day/night will create the illusion that someone is in the house, putting potential thieves off your property.
The second way you can use lighting to deter break-ins is with outdoor lighting. For example, motion-sensitive lighting outside your house will draw attention to anyone trying to break in. You should put these lights around any entrances, and if applicable, through the lead-up to your front door.
Window Film to Prevent Break Ins
If your home has a lot of windows that leave you vulnerable to break-ins, you could consider investing in anti-shatter window film. While it will be difficult for burglars to tell if this is on your windows before attempting a break in, it will make it much harder for them to get into the property once they begin to try.
This kind of film is available in lots of different sizes, so is great for preventing car break-ins as well as break-ins to the home.
Use the Right Signage
All your burglary-deterrent techniques will be significantly more effective if you back it up with signage to let burglars know your home is protected. Whether it’s CCTV signage, guard dog warnings, or other security signs, you can find them at Label Source.
For more detailed advice on how to use signage to keep your home safe, have a look at our blog, or get in touch to talk to one of our experts.