You may remember that, two weeks ago, we shared a series of upsetting stories about people who had been injured/mutilated by the machines they worked with. Well, if you want to avoid incidents like that on your premises, our lockout tags are the solution you need.
These highly-visible yellow tags can be attached to machinery and equipment to warn staff that the item in question is being serviced and may not be used until the tag has been removed by authorised personnel. This ensures that:
- Service personnel won't get trapped in moving parts when a machine starts unexpectedly
- The risk of electrocution and electric shock is kept to a minimum
- No equipment is damaged through improper use
Each of our lockout tags has a hole for easy attachment, and many of the tags give room for a signature and date, allowing authorised personnel to identify themselves when using the tags. Click here to see our full range of safety lockout products