This Health & Safety Week, make sure you're doing everything you can to keep your employees safe!
If you're an employer, you have a number of responsibilities to fulfil when it comes to the health and safety of your workers. These responsibilities are described in detail on the HSE website, but today, we at Label Source would like to focus on 5 of the most important duties that you need to be aware of.
As an employer, you must:
1. Identify any potential risks within the workplace and decide what measures must be taken to control them.
2. Explain any and all risks to your employees. You must also explain what you're doing to control these risks. Make sure that every member of your team fully understands what you are telling them.
3. Protect your workers from harm in the workplace. Do everything you can to minimise the risk of accidents/injuries/illnesses while encouraging all employees to work together to do the same.
4. Train your employees to do their jobs safely and correctly. This training must be provided free of charge.
5. Provide any equipment that your employees will need to stay safe while working. Again, these items must be provided free of charge; possible examples include safety goggles, hard hats, ear protection, work gloves, dust masks, high-visibility clothing, and any other pieces of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) that might be necessary. You are also obliged to provide first aid facilities, toilets, clean drinking water, and washing facilities for your workers.
Useful Health & Safety Products from Label Source

Personal Protection Safety Signs
Health and Safety Posters

Electrical Warning Labels

Chemical Hazard Signs & Labels