Hollywood would be nowhere if the characters of their films adhered to warning signs and followed health & safety protocol. If this fictional world functioned on the same terms as real life, then the action, thriller and cheesy horror genres would probably dissipate entirely. Fiction plays an important cautionary role in our lives, but some films would be totally different if their cast were properly schooled on health and safety. That being said, the films below are Label Source’s definition of a nightmare.
Alien (1979)
Believe it or not, Label Source is not an expert on extra-terrestrial protocol. However, the opening minutes of Ridley Scott’s 1979 epic Alien is full of health & safety hazards. Firstly, the landing protocol and flight onto LV-426, the film’s alien-infested moon, is a health and safety travesty. Secondly, the crew’s ignorance of biohazard quarantine procedures is disconcerting. Under no circumstance can quarantine be ignored in the handling of biohazards, nor the proper signposting of potentially dangerous land. Overall, the whole saga could have been avoided with proper biohazard tapes and a good dose of health and safety.
Jaws (1975)
The only thing we can focus on when watching Jaws is: where on Earth are the warning and hazard signs? Where are the trained lifeguards? The animal safety protocol? The most terrifying aspect of this film isn’t the giant shark, but the ignorance displayed towards health & safety from everyone involved. Maybe throwing a health & safety manual at the bloody shark would make it go away.
Metropolis (1927)
Now, Label Source aren’t experts in the machinations of a magnate-dominated dystopia, but we’re pretty sure the dire working conditions isn’t conducive to an effective totalitarian regime. Throughout the film, working conditions show blatant disregard for basic health & safety. While the film may have ushered in the science-fiction genre, the film’s plot could have probably been circumvented with effective usage of workplace warning signs.
Office Space (1999)
Now, if there was ever a case of poor mental health and safety in a twentieth-century workplace, it’s Office Space. From start to finish, the office that forms the basis of the film is brimming with exhausted, overworked employees who receive no support. Mental health is an important part of workplace health and safety, which Office Space outright ignores. The protagonist's eventual rebelliousness also goes far against contemporary office protocol, too. How is he allowed to move his office cubicle when it clearly breaches fire safety? Utter madness.
Alice in Wonderland (2010)
Okay, we can suspend our disbelief for a lot of this story, but how has the Mad Hatter managed to ply his trade for so long without proper signposting and safety procedures against mercury poisoning? The guy could have saved himself a lot of trouble if he stuck some mercury labels on his chemicals and observed proper mercury poisoning safety measures. In a film where there are talking cats and cards, we simply can’t accept the Mad Hatter’s lack of workplace protocol. Secondly, why is Alice downing a bottle of liquid that is simply labelled with “Drink me”? – there’s something wrong with that girl.
In order to stop life becoming as topsy-turvy, dangerous Hollywood film, trust Label Source to keep things in line. We have a 25-year pedigree in the industry, meaning we have an extensive range of health and safety signs. In addition, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with the latest health and safety news.