Biohazard accidents, spillages and incidents are always PR nightmares. As well as lawsuits and fines, negative public perception following avoidable biohazard spills can negatively impact sales and revenue. Danger signs and biohazard signs are an important step in preventing said incidents, as well as protecting the health and safety of your employees.
For example, there were 100 biohazard safety breaches at high-security UK laboratories in five years (2009-2014), meaning even the most stringent of workplaces can have severe biohazard safety mishaps. One particular incident involving anthrax was directly caused by poor labelling practices.
What Happened at AHVLAS in 2012?
The anthrax incident occurred in 2012 at the AHVLA (Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency) in Surrey. As a result of poor labelling and logistics, live anthrax was sent out to other labs in places such as York, Bath and Belfast.
At one AHVLA laboratory, the live sample was opened on a workbench, as no biohazard label was attached (the anthrax was assumed to have been killed by heat, which it wasn’t). Thankfully, everyone was safe, but the fact that a government-led agency could make this mistake sent shockwaves across the health and safety world.
An immediate investigation was called, concluding that the incident was caused by the ‘labelling and tracking of biological materials [being] inadequate’. Poor workplace labelling and management led directly to the possible outbreak of an illness, which would have been catastrophic. If proper danger signs and biohazard signs were used, then it could have saved the government’s blushes.
Improper Signage Pays
No lawsuits were pushed forward for this case, although one lab, the Pirbright Institute, suffered from so many health and safety claims, it had to undergo a £100 million refurbishment to pave over long-term issues.
The poor reputation of AHVLA labs, due to improper biohazard control, came to head with a nine-figure cost, when long-term safe workplace practices and danger sign labelling could have been a cheaper, more proactive option.
In terms of private business, handling biohazard incidents in a lax way can mean massive lawsuits and court costs. It is your responsibility to keep employees and customers safe, so be sure to brush-up on danger signs meanings and usages. To learn danger sign meanings, check out our guide to biohazard signs.
Avoid the Consequences by Utilising Proper Danger Signage
Whether you want to notify passers-by of a biohazard material or safely transport sensitive material, we’re sure to have a suitable sign or label in our extensive range here at Label Source. Do your bit to prevent accident and injury occurring by investing in danger signs for biohazard labelling.