The pressure on organisations, both public and private, to have waste management plans is unswerving, and the challenge to improve is constant. Many EU directives have a direct bearing on the targets laid down for recycling in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Included in the legislation is the Landfill Directive 1999 laying down progressive targets for reducing disposal by landfill; the EU Waste Framework Directive covering a waste hierarchy ranging from prevention, re-use or recycling, energy recovery and disposal; and others such as The Packaging Directive for the recycling of packaging waste.

So no matter if the waste is generated by households, commerce or industry there is an ongoing pressure to improve waste performance, by diverting waste from landfill, improve recycling schemes, and a reduction in overall waste.
Label Source has a range of recycling signs to help manage waste segregation and recovery by clearly identifying waste streams on bins, containers, waste collection sites and waste treatment facilities. Our colour coded WRAP range identifies groupings of waste from automotive, electrical, mixed glass, garden waste, food waste, metals, mixed recycling, paint, plastics, textiles , building materials, and wood and timber. These are suitable for organisations seeking to implement ISO 14001 environmental standards, or for eco-audits.