Are you looking for something to clearly mark inventory, assets, property or any other equipment? Luckily, Lable Source supplies top-quality numbered metal tags could be the perfect solution to your identification needs!
Browse our Metal serial number tags and see our 4 options available.

These metal serial number tags come in two different materials; aluminium or brass. Aluminium is ideal for cooler environments, whereas brass is perfect for anywhere hot as it doesn't produce sparks and is non-magnet. So whether you need to tag somewhere hot or cold, we have you covered. They sequentially numbered tags also come in two different sizes so you can pick from a 16mm x 47mm name plate or go for our bigger option at 25mm x 45 mm.
In order for the tags to be clear, the numerals are stamped onto the metal tag and this stamp is then colour filled. This allows the number to clearly stand out making it easy for you to identify. The holes on either side of the tag allow for them to be easily secured to a surface, far out of the way of the number so it can not be obstructed in any way
We offer these in aluminium and brass because they are both excellent materials to ensure your numbered metal tags last. Both brass and aluminium are lightweight, tough and resistant to most corrosive materials. This allows for them to be placed in most environments without worrying that the quality will worsen over time.
They are harder to chip or scratch and should be able to carry out your number identifications much more efficiently than any paper or plastic tags you may have considered.
We pride ourselves on having a label, sign or tag for any requirements here at Label Source. If you require any type of product we offer but would like some advice on what best suits your project then feel free to give us a call on, 0800 3761 693.