In order to comply with current law, it is essential that most machinery is equipped with an emergency stop facility, so that power can be shut off, in the event of a malfunction, accident or exceeding operating parameters.
The UK regulations stem from European Directive 2006/42/EC, which can be found in the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 and the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Amended Regulations 2011. In addition the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 provide guidance and approved codes of practice and cover the safe cut off of gas appliances.

Here at Label Source, we have a range of sign products suitable for the clear identification of such cut off points for power, electricity and gas. In addition, our hazard warning signs can identify potential risks with specific machines, and these include; pinch points; sharp blades; finger traps; automatic start up; rotating blades; moving belts (including belt rollers and belt drives); crush; foot traps; entanglement; and entrapment.
While the more obvious reason to shut off equipment would be due to operator injury, a range of other criteria could be the cause. These can include; high temperature; potential of fire or explosion; excessive noise or vibration; or emissions such as radiation or hazardous substances.
The standards apply to machinery, interchangeable equipment, safety components, lifting accessories, chains ropes and webbing, removable mechanical transmission devices and partly completed machinery.
Some key machinery categories are industrial machines, woodworking machinery, food processing equipment, agricultural equipment, locomotives, and trains and hoists. However, some items such as conveyor belts, treadmills in gyms, carousels for luggage retrieval at airports and bowling alley equipment are covered by the regulations.
So, if you need to identify safety cut offs to electricity or gas supply to equipment, or need to create awareness of risks and hazards when operating machinery, we have a wide range of standard products as well as providing bespoke products to your own specification.