It states in the Health and Safety (Safety Sign and Signals) Regulations 1996 the following "The regulations to ensure that safety signs are provided (or are in place) and maintained in circumstances where there is significant risk to health and safety that has not been removed or controlled by other methods" so in order to comply with the regulations you must ensure that there is safety and warning signs in place or you could face some serious penalties. But what if there is space restrictions stopping your from putting these signs in place? These Small Safety Signs are perfect for that exact reason!

These Small Safety Signs are made from semi-rigid plastic and have an adhesive backing allowing them to stick to any surface with ease! These labels cover the full range of safety sign classifications from Fire Equipment (e.g. Fire Extinguisher, Fire Alarms and Fire Assembly Points) to Mandatory Signs, such as "Wear Eye Protection" signs and "Wear Mask" signs. Each sign is colour coded and complies with ISO1070 and the Safety Sign and Signals Regulations 1996. These signs are perfect if space restrictions are stopping you from placing safety and warning signs in the area.
Click here to view our full range of Small Safety Signs.