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electrostatic workstation sign

      For those who work with electrical components, it is absolutely essential to ensure that precautions are taken against the risk of electrostatic damage, which can lead to everything from item failure and impairment of function, to fires and explosions. In today's blog, we will take a closer look at the risks surrounding electrostatic sensitive devices, along with possible causes of damage, and how this can be prevented:


What are Electrostatic Sensitive Devices?

Some common ESD devices include:

  • MOSFET transistors: Used in the making of integrated circuits (microchips).
  • Computer/Expansion Cards: Printed circuit board that can be used to add functionality to a computer system.
  • Laser Diodes: Used for fiber optic communications, barcode readers, laser printing and more.


(ESD bonding point label)

How Does Electrostatic Damage Occur?

This type of damage is caused by the effects of an electric filed surrounding the charged object. Electric fields have the ability to generate currents in conductors, with the size depending on the strength of the electrical field and the speed of movement. This can lead to the device becoming polarised, with subsequent handling causing charging and discharging. 

  • Discharge: In cases where the field is suddenly grounded, and the movement of the charge creates currents. For example, a human can build up a charge on their clothing when walking on a carpet. When we approach a conductive surface (e.g metal door handle), this can cause the charge to exceed the insulating ability of the air, causing a spark.
  • Induction: When a conductor moves in a magnetic field that generates an electric current, or the magnetic field moves and the conductor is at rest.
  • Polarization: When the electric field and sensitive device remain stationary, but close to each other. For example, whena styrofoam cup is placed next to a sensitive device, such as a microchip. If the device comes into contact with a negative charge, and then discharges onto a grounded surface, this can damage the device.

(electrostatic work precautions sign)

How Can I Prevent Electrostatic Damage?

  • Cover work stations with a conductive material/surface
  • Remove nonconductive materials (e.g styrofoam, cellophane etc)
  • Ground yourself by touching a conductive surface
  • Wear a writ strap that connects you to ground in a static-safe area
  • Carry materials in static-shielding containers
  • Remove components on a static-safe work surface

Using the Correct Safety Signs:

The last step that should be observed for safe ESD working, is making the potential  hazards and safe working procedures known to employees. This can be done by using the correct warning/instructional signs and labels. To see the range of signs and labels we supply for use with electrostatic sensitive devices and work areas, click here.