There are three different tier risk assessment classification. They are defined by their colour, representing low, medium or high assessment level. Based on a risk assessment of exposure limits, these can be marked accordingly with these labels. Also, the labels can be used to quantify the daily or weekly safe limit for use of such equipment.

Low Medium High
These standards are laid out in the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005, and the European directive 2002/44/EC. These measures are to minimise the potential of HAVS (hand arm vibration syndrome) and VWF (vibration white finger) for electrical or pneumatic tools and equipment. There is an obligation on employers to comply with the regulations to prevent workplace injuries taking place when using power tools.

How to prevent Hand and arm vibration syndrome:
· Ensure tools are maintained
· Cutting down on smoking
· Keeping warm
· Regular exercise
· Not touching cold items
· Smoking. Chemicals in Tobacco can affect the blood flow effect