If you know about certain hazards that exist on your site, or in your workplace you have a duty to warn people about these hazards and how they can avoid them. It doesn't matter whether you work in an office or on a building site, any risk should be made clear. This is usually communicated through the use of workplace safety signs. Workplace safety signs alert those unfamiliar with the working environment to risks and remind employees to be vigilant.
Workplace safety signs are an effective way to communicate hazards and risks that somebody may encounter whilst working or visiting your workplace. They are crucial to helping your company enforce a safe working environment and help with the maintenance of high safety standards and they are legally adequate warnings and information so companies are better protected from liability claims, in the off chance an accident happened.
So, what are the common workplace signs and how do you understand what they mean?
The 3 most commonly used workplace safety signs are, as follows:

Prohibition signs
Prohibition signs aim to prevent behaviour that is likely to cause a risk to the health and safety of yourself or others in the vicinity. Prohibition signs include no smoking signs, fire risk signs, and no access signs.
Here at Label Source, we produce all of our prohibition signs to comply with UK, EU and International standards ISO EN 7010, and the Safety Signs and Signals regulations 1996.
To see our full range of prohibition signs, click here.

Safe conditions including first aid signs
Safe conditions signs have a white pictogram on a green background. These should be used to advise employees and visitors of the location of first aid kits, safety equipment and escape and evacuation points.
Here at Label Source, we provide our customers with a truly comprehensive range of top quality safe condition signs. These include first aid signs, drinking water signs, emergency stops and cut offs, and emergency telephone signs. Click here to browse our full range.

Mandatory signs
Mandatory signs are required in a workplace if a health and safety risk can’t be prevented in any other way. If you know about a hazard in your workplace you have a duty to warn people of the hazard and the actions that they can take to protect themselves from the risk of harm.
Our mandatory safety signs include general workplace safety signs, such as signs to remind your employees to wash their hands, through to advising employees and visitors to the correct PPE to be worn when working on or visiting your site.
Click here to view our full range of mandatory signs.
Our workplace signs enable companies to implement a system that will effectively help to reduce risks and hazards and protect your employees, or visitors from harm. When creating safety signs. compliance with the ANSI, EN and ISO standards is important, so we ensure that every workplace safety sign that Label Source supplies comply with these standards.
We pride ourselves on being able to supply our customers with a complete range of workplace signs, so if you can not find the exact sign you are looking for, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us by telephoning 0800 3761 693 where a member of our customer service team will be more than happy to assist you.