Asset tags can be used for a number of applications, providing a useful system for keeping track of equipment in a secure fashion. These tags should be clear and durable, with these qualities being even more important when it comes to asset tags for outdoor equipment, which need to be able to withstand the elements in order to reliably perform their function.
Here at Label Source, we supply a selection of asset tagging products, many of which are carefully designed to be suitable for outdoor equipment and tools. These are available in a variety of designs, allowing you to select a tag which suits your practical requirements while also being able to withstand the elements.
Here are just some of our asset tags for outdoor equipment:
Equipment Identification Markers
These letter and number stickers are ideal for marking items such as pipework, drains, plant, vehicles and more. In addition to being waterproof, abrasion and chemical resistant, these markers are also available in a choice of three sizes, depending on your marking needs.
Jumbo-Sized Asset Labels
For those who require large asset tags, but would like to present the information on one sticker, these jumbo-sized stickers are an ideal choice. Not only do they provide a high level of visibility, they also have an operating temperature of -30°C to +90°C while being resitant to water and chemicals, making them ideal for outdoor use.
Dual Asset Labels
If you're looking for asset tags for outdoor equipment that will make it easier to keep track of your items, these dual labels are an ideal choice. The tags come in two parts, allowing you to keep one for your records, while you use the other to mark the item in question. They are available in either a self-adhesive vinyl (-30°C to +90°C) or tamperpoof vinyl (-50°C to +110°C), depending on the level of security you need.
To see our full selection of asset tags for outdoor equipment, click here!