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Due to climate change, extreme cold weather is becoming more common, and more dangerous. December through to February is when we tend to get the coldest weather in the UK, so this is when you should be on your highest alert for possible risks around you.

Here, we’ll have a look at when cold temperature is dangerous, the effects it could have, and how to keep yourself safe during the winter.


When it comes to printing labels, you want to ensure that anything you create has the appropriate impact. One of the most important factors is the sort of finish you use. There are only really two options to choose from, so picking the right one can be a challenge. Specifically, do you choose Matte or gloss?

Each finish has a unique aesthetic and practicality. So, we decided to examine both sides of the debate.

In this blog, we will look at the benefits and drawbacks of both matte and gloss finishes.


Former top Health and Safety Executive (HSE) officials have published three papers commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Robens report; ‘Why Robens?’, ‘Unravelling the Maze’ and ‘What Difference Did Robens Make?’. These include an examination of how the study came to be, what happened to its recommendations, and how health and safety results have changed.

According to the findings, workplace fatalities, major injuries, and accidents have decreased dramatically since 1974. Fatalities have decreased by 88%, while non-fatal accidents have decreased by 72% since 1986/87. These represent annual savings of 4.8% and 4.0%, respectively.

So, what exactly is the Robens report and what has happened since for fatalities in the workplace to decrease by 88% 50 years on from the original report? Read on to find out.


January is a difficult month for a lot of people. In particular, returning to work after the high of the holiday season can leave a lot of people feeling low.

Fortunately, there are ways to spruce up your work environment that will make it a more appealing place to come back to, and hopefully ease your staff back into work in a way that makes them smile.

Let’s look at some of the ways you can keep the January blues at bay:


New HSE research has found that face masks with ear loops are no longer considered adequate examples of tight-fitting RPE. Below, we detail exactly what RPE is, and why the HSE have come to this recent decision.
