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UK law means you must display certain signs and posters throughout your business premises. But, if you’re particularly eco-conscious, you may be concerned about this additional use of paper, plastic, and metal.

From eco-friendly poster ideas to sustainable signage materials, read on to learn more about how you can stay green:More...

RoHS labels are everywhere, but what do they mean, and why do you need them? In the world of signs and labels, there are numerous to choose from, but RoHS are a set of guidelines some businesses must adhere to.

Below, we discuss the meaning of RoHS, what a RoHS compliant label is and how they are used to benefit businesses.

What Does RoHS Mean?

RoHS refers to the guidelines regulating the use of hazardous chemicals in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE). Hence the letters RoHS stands for the “Restriction of Hazardous Substances”.

A large range of chemicals is forbidden due to their toxicity or hazard to the environment. Noteworthy examples include:

  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Cadmium
  • Hexavalent
  • Chromium
  • PBDE
  • PBB

The RoHS regulations ensure that products are safe for use in European markets, as well as aiding their:

  • Recovery
  • Reuse
  • Recycling

What Labels Are Required For RoHS?

Formerly, products that were RoHS compliant had a RoHS symbol. However, due to EU regulations, RoHS compliance is now implied by the presence of a CE label, so explicitly adding a RoHS symbol is no longer necessary. Some manufacturers still continue to add the RoHS label out of habit, but there is no requirement to do so.

Read: What is the meaning of CE labels?

Exceptions To RoHS Labelling

Although many of the forbidden chemicals are dangerous, there are many cases where these chemicals are essential, or where the dangers of the chemicals are irrelevant. Areas in which RoHS does not apply include:

  • Products for use in space.
  • Military items
  • Large industrial tools
  • Permanent solar panel installations
  • Transport vehicles
  • Research and development equipment
  • Medical devices

Discover High-Quality RoHS Labels Today

Now that you know the importance of RoHS labels, you need some high-quality ones. At Label Source, we stock a range of durable RoHS labels for all of your needs.




What is the meaning of CE Labels?


Do you have a smartphone? If so, turn it over and look at the back of your phone. You can probably see a mysterious CE logo on the back of it.

Or perhaps you are a keen motorcyclist? On the back of your motorcycle helmet, and hopefully on your jacket’s protective padding, you will also see an identical CE logo.

You may also have children who, as you read this, are playing with some kind of toy figure. If you flip the toy over and check it’s label, you should also see the CE logo.

Alternatively, you may see it printed on the foot of the figure, much like Woody in Toy story had “Andy” printed on his foot.

With the CE logo colonising more and more of society, what exactly is it’s purpose?


CE stands for ‘Conformité Européene’, which is French for ‘European Conformity’. The logo indicates that the product complies with all EU standards relevant to the construction of that item.

This gives confidence to sellers that the product may be legally sold and distributed within the European Free Trade Area.


A consumer may assume that because an item bears a CE label, it has been rigorously tested and inspected by an official EU organisation before the product has been allowed on the market. In fact, this isn’t the case.

The responsibility is with manufacturers to test their own products and declare them CE compliant.

The manufacturer is however required to keep CE documentation, which can be requested at any time by the relevant enforcement organisation: the Market Surveillance Authority. Wrongly declaring a product as CE compliant incurs penalties in proportion to the severity of the offence.

CE marking also doesn’t mean that a product was constructed in the European Union. The majority of the electronics that we are familiar with are made in China, yet all of them bear CE marking. Manufacturers anywhere in the world may construct items according to EU regulations, and then sell them into EU with the CE logo. WHEN IS CE MARKING NECESSARY?

CE marking is only required in cases where there are EU regulations governing the construction of the item.

The list of affected areas is quite extensive, but some examples include: Personal Protective Equipment

  • Toys
  • Explosives
  • Machinery
  • Select Medical Devices

Items that don’t require CE marking are typically simple items that don’t contain multiple parts such as:

  • Chemicals
  • Food
  • Cosmetics

The legislation also forbids the use of CE marking on products that do not have any relevant EU legislation, so don’t even think about attaching CE labels to every item you sell!






Within the healthcare sector, Label Source is a long-standing supplier of appliance marking products to OEMs, importers, distributors, hospitals, laboratories and clinics.

This includes labels under IEC 60601 covering the safe performance, operation, ownership, maintenance, service, repair and calibration of such biomedical or clinical engineering instruments including; patient monitoring equipment; infusion and syringe pumps; diagnostic ECG; electrosurgical devices; and equipment for audiology, anaesthesia, physiotherapy, renal, dental, oxygen and therapy.

On manufactured products, bespoke label products can incorporate dates and details of manufacturer, model and serial number, CE compliance, and a range of safety symbols covering a range of hazards including electrical, finger trap, pinch points, crush or danger of infection.

The labels can be supplied with a variety of adhesive options to adhere to a range of housing materials, and are laminated to provide swab resistance, as well as being waterproof, heat, abrasion or scratch, chemical and UV resistant. Thus, ensure continuous legibility, without any smudging or erasing of text. These labels can include barcodes or serial numbers for inventory tracking.

For further information on these products, or for a quotation please contact us by e-mail at sales@labelsource.co.uk or by telephone 0800 3761693 (UK) or +44 1443 842769 (outside the UK).

Over the last 25 years, many technological innovations have been powered by lithium-ion batteries. These batteries have been a key component in the miniaturising and development of smartphones, smart-wear and the smart home.

It has been estimated that current annual world usage of this type of rechargeable battery is in excess of 5 billion, and is the mainstay power source for mobile phones, digital cameras, laptop computers, handheld gaming consoles, electronic cigarettes, power tools (cordless drills and sanders), garden equipment (hedge trimmers) and electric vehicles (cars and wheelchairs).

There is worldwide research to improve the performance of rechargeable batteries. While alternatives to lithium-ion are being evaluated, it looks that lithium-ion will continue to be the battery of choice for the immediate and near future, until another technology is commercially proven.

However, there is a challenge to improve battery technology by extending battery life, improving recharging capability and to make them more safety (especially on fire and explosions) and environmental features. The drive is to produce more energy from a battery with less battery weight.

There are two standards UN 3090 (Lithium metal or lithium alloy battery or cell) in compliance with IATA , UN 3081(Lithium metal or alloy batteries contained or packed in equipment), UN 3480 (Lithium-ion batteries - including lithium ion polymer batteries) and UN 3481 (Lithium ion batteries contained in equipment or Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment - including lithium ion polymer batteries). A full range of these labels is available from Label Source to assist in their safe storage, handling and transport.