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Over the years, we at Label Source have worked with many clients in both the NHS and the private hospital sector. We provide these customers with a range of fit-for-purpose medical equipment labels for hospitals, included custom-printed labels as well as a variety of different items from our standard product ranges.

Medical Equipment Labels

We have worked with many different departments who have used our medical equipment labels for hospitals, including:

  • EBME
  • Electronics
  • Engineering
  • Bio-Medical
  • Building Services, Facilities & Estates
  • IT & Computer Services

What are our medical equipment labels for hospitals suitable for? 

The labels we supply can be used in the testing, servicing, maintenance and calibration of medical equipment. They are suitable for mechanical, electrical (including PAT testing), and radiation equipment. Additionally, many of the labels we provide are used to identify ownership and improve traceability of medical equipment (as well as plant and ancillary equipment) via serial numbers or barcodes. Our labels can also be used to simply identify the prescribed use of the equipment in question.

All of our medical equipment labels for hospitals are designed to meet the unique challenges that take place in a clinical environment. They are resistant to solvents, chemicals and scratches, with a wipe-clean surface for optimum hygiene.

Browse the Label Source website to find the medical equipment labels for hospitals you need, or get in touch via one of the methods below to discuss your labelling requirements with a member of our team.

  • Email:info@labelsource.co.uk
  • Telephone (UK only): 0800 3761 693
  • Telephone (Rest of the World): 0044 1443 842769

Here are some of the other products we supply to the healthcare sector:

Label source have for many years specialised in delivery high quality labels to a number of industries, and the medical industry is no exception. Since we began trading in over 25 years ago, Label Source has since become one of the leading UK suppliers of medical labels.


In today’s fast paced medical environments, assets are often moved between different departments, even different hospitals. So it is vital that there is an effective asset management system in place to keep track of the whereabouts of all your assets.

Implementing an Asset management system in your workplace, be it a general practice, pharmacy or a hospital, will enable you to track your assets, control your inventory and stock levels and also manage the maintenance of your equipment with ease. Asset tags also deter people from stealing your assets from you, or tamper with your assets when being transported to a new location.


We offer a wide range of bespoke asset labels that are ideal for medical applications. To view our specialist range of asset tags, click here. 

Waste Management

Waste segregation is key for waste management within the medical environment. Every clinic, hospital and pharmacy has to deal with “regulated medical waste”, waste that is often contaminated with Blood, infectious materials, and body fluids. This waste often contains highly infectious materials which could transmit infections if not disposed of correctly.

Label source are one of the UK’s leading medical waste labels suppliers. With a wide range of specialist waste management labels, including biohazard signs, hazardous waste, toxic waste, and clinical waste signs, we boast a fully comprehensive range of labels and signs that will cater for your every need.

Click here to browse our waste management department. 


First Aid Signs 

According to workplace regulations, employers need to display where the first aid equipment or the first aid room is located. It is also good practise to have a sign advising you staff who their on-site first aider is.

First aid signs have the potential to save lives, whether it be at an event, in your workplace or at a venue, by indicating where medical equipment, or a medical personnel is located could save someone’s life in case of an emergency.


Label Source has a full department dedicated to first aid signs. Click here to browse our selection of first aid signs, safety conditions signs and projecting safe conditions signs. 

Our high quality medical labels are trusted by General Practices, Hospitals, Clinics and Pharmacy’s Nationwide. Searching for a specific medical label can be overwhelming, especially when presented with a truely comprehensive range. If you run into any difficulties finding the sign you need, or you require a more bespoke sign, we would be more than happy to help.