It goes without saying that sharp objects can be very dangerous. Cuts and scrapes aren't merely painful; they can have serious consequences, including infection, blood loss, and even traumatic amputation (the loss of a limb or other body part because of an accident or injury).
For this reason, it is extremely important to clearly telegraph any sharps hazards on your premises. Sharps hazards come in a variety of different forms, and we at Label Source have a safety sign / label for just about every conceivable one - see below for examples.

If your premises house a machine with sharp blades, this sign should be placed close to the equipment in question to warn workers and others of the safety risk. We also stock safety signs for machinery with rotating cutters or blades.

These self-adhesive dispatch labels can be placed on packages, bags, and cartons containing sharp objects (e.g. needles, blades) that might cause injury if handled improperly. The labels are made of flourescent paper for extra visibility.

In the unfortunate event of a needlestick injury (or an accident involving another type of sharp object), it's important to know how to react. Displaying this poster on your premises will ensure that the key information is always close at hand; the poster also features instructions for the safe disposal of sharp objects.
Click here to browse Label Source's full range of safety signs.